Monday, 9 March 2015

Airtel Unlimted 3G Trick March 2015

Airtel Unlimited 3G Trick-

Airtel Unlimited 3G Trick March 2014. Latest AirTel UDP 3G Trick Confirmed Working Many States 2015. New Trick for AirTel Users, this will  give you High Speed 3G speed ever. This is not DNS or Not a proxy or not a TCP trick, that gives you slow speed. This is UDP trick that Gives You High speed ever on AirTel 3G sim.

Requirements of this Trick:-

1. 3G Enable Sim
2. Bal-0
3. Apn - in attachment.
4. A PC I DOn't Know How TO uSe In MobILe. :p

Features of this Trick:-

1. Unlimited downloading in High Speed.
2. No sim blocking issue.
3. Https Support
4. Torrent Support
5. Speed upto 3 MBPS in 7.2 mbps dongle.

UDP trick in Airtel Which gives you unlimited downloading without sim blocking, So just DOWNLOAD this airtel 3G trick from Below.
Keep visit daily For more trick and tips and don't forget to like us on facebook page for instant  updates, Thanks   

Download Airtel 3G UDP Trick


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